Wednesday, 17 April 2013

A Return to the Weir: EYES Filming Day 4 (Pick-ups)

Mykel, Matt and myself filmed four new shots. 

Pick - up shot 1. A shot with Mykel's back to camera performing all of the scene right up to when he turns around to take the cube.

Pick up shot 2 - A close up of Mykel's face when he is performing this part of the scene.

Pick up shot 3 - we had to redo the shot of Mykel putting the cube down as it does not match up with the way the cube is placed down in the earlier shots. We had to do multiple takes of this to ensure I had shots that matched up with the previous takes of Mykel putting the cube down in the preceding shots.


Pick up shot 4 - As we had to re-do the placing down of the Rubik cube shot (see above) this meant that we also needed to re-do the shot of the Rubik cube on its own. As with pick-up shot 3 we did multiple takes of this shot with the Rubik cube placed in different positions to insure I had something that matched up with the new and old footage captured.

In addition to the shots above, after Mykel had gone home, with Matt's assistance I tried out an further extension of pick-up shot 4. This new idea is cliffhanger-like ending to make up for the absence of the trailer and something that you can see when I complete the rough cut...

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