Saturday, 20 July 2013


Today I officially graduated from Bath Spa University with a First Class Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Creative Writing with Film and Screen Studies. However, I did not actually go to the graduation ceremony as I have a problem with having to pay for my own graduation ceremony, I feel this is something the University should cover. The fact that I did not go is slightly more annoying because yesterday I discovered my theoretical dissertation, Ways of Being: The Spectator and the Spectacle, has received the highest mark ever awarded to a dissertation in the film department at Bath Spa University; as well as being awarded a prize for £50 from the film department, I would have been awarded this today with my degree. 

The graduation card from my Mum.

This is not the only piece of good news for today because I had an interview at the Sunflower Film & Creative Agency in Bath about getting some work and the creative director is very keen to get me involved! So we will just have to see... but he practically said he was going to give me some work. 

However there is more good news about today, the 20th of July, because I have now gone a full year without any alcohol (I abstained from it because I wanted to well in my final year) and this is day, last year, that I was lucky enough to see The Dark Knight Rises at the BFI IMAX. This was the event that served as the progenitor for the direction of my final year (If you read my theoretical dissertation, you should begin to understand) and anybody who really knows me (on Facebook) will tell you that this event has been a hugely influence for me this year!

The 20th of July is very good day - DESHI BASARA :D

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